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The challenge

Cannabis is often seen as harmless. But cannabis farms can be hugely damaging to residential areas. So our message focused on the gun crime, and worse, that cannabis farms attract to neighbourhoods readers live in. Working with Felton Design, we created the UK's first scratch and sniff crime prevention mailer!

What we did

Created concepts

We created headlines and concepts for the mailer, poster and card. We worked closely with the designer to make the image and words work effectively together.

Wrote copy

We wrote copy for the mailer, letter, case study and card. The challenge was to highlight the dangers of an activity which on the surface seems relatively harmless to neighbours.

Crafted a submission

For the Design Effectiveness awards. We've worked with Feltons for years and regularly help them with their own promotions and presentations as well as the client stuff.

“For over 20 years Richard has generated ideas and structured messages for us… and he’s pretty good with words too.”

Roger Felton, Felton Design


The results

The results were impressive: £2.1 million worth of plants seized by the Met police; 1500 more drug-related reports than in the same period in the previous year.; 24% rise in traffic to Crimestoppers website; 97% increase in Crimestoppers Twitter followers on the week before the campaign; 63% increase in calls and online reports.

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