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Headlines that wow and win over

Cutting through the noise with powerful lines

The headline is alive and well in the digital era.

Posts as well as posters benefit from pithy soundbites, packed with insight, wit or persuasion.

Succinctness is as relevant in a subject line as a strapline.

With an armoury of persuasive techniques and an ear for impact, our writers know how to sharpen a headline until it cuts through the densest of clutter.

Why your headline needs us

We’ve written persuasive headlines for everyone from car brands to book publishers, software brands to pasta sauces. Here’s how we can add clout to your copy and help your team with lines that capture attention and prompt action. :

Your team is overstretched

We’ll help you hit deadlines when time and resource is short. A fresh pair of eyes can take the strain and add some creative oomph.

You need options

​Big pitch? Demanding client? Our creative copywriters will give you more choice and more quality.

Nothing is working

You’ve tried everything you can to boost sales or engagement but the dial isn’t shifting. We’ll add the persuasive magic you need to move the needle.

Lacking inspiration

​Your team have reached peak headline and need a shot in the arm. Our Sharper copywriting workshops will give them a much needed boost.

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To write one good headline, you need to write hundreds of bad ones

Don’t get stuck in a rut writing variations on the same theme. Create diversity, try different techniques, write hundreds of lines. Then pick the best. Our Sharper Copywriting workshop will give you plenty of ideas. And you’ll benefit from using our Fantabulous Headline Generator.

What you can expect from us

If you ask us to write headlines for your campaign, or your social posts, we guarantee your biggest problem will be deciding which great lines to run with. We promise you:


We'll give you a wealth of options to choose from and a rationale as to which ones work best for you.


The persuasive techniques we use and the sheer copywriting chutzpah will mean your lines land with oomph.


As a team of writers, we're on hand (with as many hands as you need) to turn around headline challenges quickly.

The Unexpected

 We'll think outside the box to give you unexpected solutions that might give you a better result.

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