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Hayley Cherrett
6 min read
Can online tools really help you write better headlines?
When people ask us for headline writing advice, we always say the same thing: “Stop tweaking the same line. Start adding more variety.”...

Chris Silberston
5 min read
The persuasive techniques most copywriters don't want you to know
Much of copywriting is more science than art. It’s taking proven techniques and applying them towards a goal – whether that’s grabbing...

Chris Silberston
6 min read
Executive summaries: 5 tips for success
As a rule, the first bit of any copywriting is the most important. The longer your text is, the more essential it is that you give people...

Chris Silberston
4 min read
The dark art of B2B email writing
Picture a busy executive sitting at their desk. The Teams channel is pinging. That report from last week still isn’t finished. There’s...

Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
5 copywriting myths busted
“Top 10 copywriting tips”. “50 killer ways to improve your copy”. “25 things that will transform your copy.” You’ve seen the click-baity...

Chris Silberston
4 min read
How to write a great headline
Open a word doc. Think about a headline. Give up trying to write a headline. Write copy. Go back to headline. Hastily write something...

Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
The value of interviews. Why it's important to talk to people.
While many believe writers are hermits, preferring to work in solitary confinement, we’re actually quite sociable beings. We love to talk...

Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
The art of product naming
Buildings, brands, babies: everything needs a name. If it’s your baby you can choose what you darn well like and hang the consequences....

Hayley Cherrett
6 min read
Tone of voice: no-brainer or time-waster?
Towards the end of the last millennium, brands started using language in ways and places that had previously been overlooked. For...

Chris Silberston
4 min read
How to demonstrate impact in writing
Sustainability and social justice are still at the forefront of many people’s minds these days. Organisations across the world are trying...

Hayley Cherrett
5 min read
7 tips for curing writer’s block
I’m going to say it: writer’s block isn’t a big deal. A good writer will rarely suffer from it. And no, it’s not because they have a...

Hayley Cherrett
8 min read
What's the best kind of copywriting?
Before the rise of digital, copywriting was simpler. It was clever headlines. It was direct mail. It was integral to the world of...

Hayley Cherrett
4 min read
How to create a positive tone of voice
“We should definitely have ‘positive’ as one of our tone of voice values.” Everyone around the table (or on the screen) nods. Of course,...

Hayley Cherrett
8 min read
Jargon: where did it come from and how do we fix it?
You’ve written your latest webpage, sales email or perhaps a report. Your coworkers are impressed. Your boss loves it. But it flops. Your...

Richard Spencer
5 min read
5 ways to revitalise your next prospectus
Until someone does some definitive research to say that students don’t need or want it, the prospectus isn’t going away any time soon....

Hayley Cherrett
4 min read
7 ways to boost your call to action
You’ve finished writing your web page, your email, your petition to save the Great Crested Newt. It’s persuasive. It’s informative. It...

Chris Silberston
6 min read
5 steps to build trust through language
Other than having a good product or service, there’s probably nothing more important to your business than earning the trust of your...

Chris Silberston
4 min read
Adding variety to your writing
Having delivered so many workshops to organisations of all shapes and sizes, we know that anyone can be a writer. But, the sad fact is...

3 min read
Why planning makes perfect writing
Pardon? Giraffe bras? By St David Attenborough’s underpants, surely that’s not a real item of lingerie? No, but it is a useful aid to...

Hayley Cherrett
4 min read
Ten alternative writing tips
Most writing tips follow the same vein: use shorter sentences, use lots of verbs, plan before writing etc etc. All the tips that lurk on...
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